So this morning I was amazed to experience the feeling of space on the train. School holidays means all the school bags and kids are absent, but it appears that a good number of their family members have also agreed to take a break so the absence of the filled to the brim carriages was a pleasant change.

So the reintroduction to the running has been going well – completed my intended schedule for this week and actually have done much better than I thought I would in terms of how I have felt about it all. Must be distracted by having the bejeezus scared out of me by the books on tape version of “I am legend”. I didn’t realise that it was the same story as the movie “The Omega Man” so when Will Smith was on the trailers all whiny and “I have a dog” and stuff, I kind of took them at their word when they said “only person alive” and thought that it was kind of an urban version of Castaway and dealing with the fact that everyone else in the whole world was gone. But I realise that they were all being clever and stuff and there were no other human beings on earth, but everyone else had gone and been zombified (in the book they are all vampires).

So given that I have been listening to this while running at night, in the dark, in the cold, on deserted suburban streets, maybe this wasn’t such a good choice after all. A couple of times Toby the dog shaped boy has come along to protect me – but he seems more focussed on peeing on every tree in a five block radius than protecting me from vampires (this from a dog who got the snip as a puppy and therefore should have no marking instinct).

Hmm, that got a little off track, didn’t it?

So the plus side is no really sore legs, good consistency and scary vampires. Everything you look for in an exercise regime.